
Friday, August 17, 2012

basic1: choosing openwrt version

 there are two kind  of  openwrt version :   the latest stable (Backfire) or the latest nightly build (Attitude Adjustment) .

these two provides different kind of condition. while in nightly build all the newest functionality will work, but sometimes have bug. because it was being tested and the bug haven't been solved yet.  it's good to test all your script in nightly build. basicly on other tp link like mr-3420 and mr-3220 already support the backfire version. But for the mr-3020 we can only use that attitude adjustment. at least for now....

currently it shown on[]=mr3020 that we can see that our device already supported. mine hardware version was version 1.6.

oyeah, before that

if you click that link you will be download the

see this first before proceed....    on post #134

if we install the above version looks like it doesnt provide us with failsafe recover. that means if you brick your access point router because miss configuration, you must open the case and hard reset  manually by connecting into a cable.

so i advice using this under link to flash the firmware. As i already tested, and can failsafe recovery (reset the configuration to the default) later.

nb** :  Be careful to choose firmware version. Its recommended to read all the wiki and the forum first.

to flash the firmware go to your access point setting menu via browser (default is
system tools > firmware upgrade > then choose the file that we already downloaded. i forgot to screenshot when i flash the firmware to openwrt but the step as just like the picture below.... (with different file ofcourse :D :D :D )

at first it doesnt provide any web interface and the default ip will change to that's why sometimes people say "why i cant access my mr3020 box" or  " why i cant access the mr3020 after flashing openwrt firmware". because we need to set ip of our pc to range to access the mr3020 ip which was after being flashed to open wrt.

**nb:  our openwrt  doesnt support web interface yet... because it doesnt have enough memory to save and running it. but there is a way to "hack" the ap so that it can install the web interface (we called this luci) on other storage like usb / hardisk

after we change the ip. open start > command promt > telnet

by doing this we get ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT (Bleeding Edge, r33181) version :) :) :)


  1. Gan, ane udah flash openwrt, lancar...
    Firmware buatan Cindy Kaskus itu lho.
    Masalahnya kalo Wireless dihidupkan, 3G nya mati ...
    Agan tahu ga itu masalahnya apa?

  2. klihatannya karena masalah routing gan...

    jadi pas connect k internet, secara otomatis routing table akan di update oleh router. nah dia akan memakai route default isp yang dipakai dia. klo ada 2 isp(via wireless dan 3g) yang berbeda berarti ada 2 jalur gateway

    disini router access point kita secara otomatis mendetect gateway baru ketika wireless dinyalakan dan mengupdate routing tablenya.
    jadinya mati yang 3g-nya.

    btw itu matinya langsung tiba2 putus 3gnya ato tetep nyala cm ga bisa dipake gan?

  3. Sama gan ane juga dah coba openwrt di MR3020, begitu Wifi dihidupkan koneksi 3G lgsg terminated, ga bisa konek lagi 3G nya.
    Padahal lancar jaya kalo pake LAN.
    Mohon pencerahannya.

  4. I have lost my access to router login page.. Please suggest me what to do now....

  5. Wifi ve network teknolojileri bakımından onlarca ürünü ile piyasada yer alan ve tekel firmalardan biri konumunda bulunan TP-Link, şimdi de farklı bir amaç ile karşınızda. Otoriter Backlink Alma Yolları yazı serisinin yeni içeriğinde ‘a yer verdim. Forum sistemi ile kullanıcıları arasında etkileşimi sağlayan firmanın bu özelliğinden faydalanarak backlink kazanacağız.
