
Tuesday, September 11, 2012


the extroots is a mechanism to transfer our instalation to external device like flashdrive / hardisk external. it's very important, because basicly the mr3020 doesnt have enough space in memory to install thing such luci (web interface). after flashing the kernel we should access the mr3020 via telnet / putty. Be sure to understand the basic of linux command line before you do this.

how to install extroots

this is my 16gb sandisk cruzher. i have formatted it to ext2 with mini tool partition wizard home edition.
I format the flashdisk to 8gb fat32
(to save data whenever i want plug in to a windows operating system), 100mb linux swap,  adding some additional virtual ram. And the rest space of the flashdisk to ext-2 format.

extroots tp link mr3020

now proceed to our devices...  plug in our usb flash drives.

install requirement packet by typing opkg install [packet_name]
  • block-mount
  • kmod-usb-storage
  • kmod-fs-ext4

now proceed to edit the fstab configuration...

vi /etc/config/fstab

config global automount
        option from_fstab 1
        option anon_mount 1

config global autoswap
        option from_fstab 1
        option anon_swap 0

config mount
        option target   /home
        option device   /dev/sda1
        option fstype   ext4
        option options  rw,sync
        option enabled  0
        option enabled_fsck 0

config swap
        option device   /dev/sda2         -> this is our 100mb swap that we already created
        option enabled  1                    -> enabled it

config mount

option device /dev/sda3             -> this is our ext2 formated usb that we already created
option target /mnt/usb                -> i mount it on /mnt/usb
option enabled_fsck 0            
option options rw,sync              -> mount with read and write + sync
option enabled 1                       -> enabled it
option is_rootfs 1                    -> to make extroots 

after that press esc, then :wq to save and rewrite fstab configuration.

now restart your tplink mr3020.... either by plug off power source or type reboot in the console.

login into console....

type df

it will show

rootfs                 6927587      8194   6561947   0% /
/dev/root                 2880      2824        56  98% /rom
tmpfs                    14580        80     14500   1% /tmp
tmpfs                      512         0       512   0% /dev
/dev/sda3              6927587      8194   6561947   0% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay     6927587      8194   6561947   0% /                 ->  
before we edit fstab there isnt    there

the next step will  be

tar -C /overlay -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt/usb/ -xf -

to pivot whole /overlay to the usb storage which  already being mount from /dev/sda3 to /mnt/usb.

done. now all our further instalation will move on our storage...


  1. halo ...
    mau tanya dong Gan, ane udah coba, sampe sini mentok di df, ane coba ubah fstab beda filesystemnya, jadi ane balikin lagi ke fstab defaultnya.
    tampilannya df di ane:
    Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
    rootfs 1408 640 768 45% /
    /dev/root 1536 1536 0 100% /rom
    tmpfs 14520 2276 12244 16% /tmp
    tmpfs 512 0 512 0% /dev
    /dev/mtdblock3 1408 640 768 45% /overlay
    overlayfs:/overlay 1408 640 768 45% /
    /dev/sda7 1004062 598 951656 0% /mnt/sda7
    apa ada yang kelewatan kah?, kalo seperti itu mnt untuk swap sama ext2 apa sama?
    thanks :)

  2. hmm... coba liad hasil command mount nya gan...

    sama file yg /etc/config/fstab default sama editan punya agan....

    klo diliat ditempatnya agan flashdisknya kedetect di /dev/sda7 nih . disesuain aj kl gt di file fstabnya gan.

    oya udah diformat ext2 kan ini flashnya gan?

  3. udah bisa Gan :)
    thanks ... (y)

  4. Makasih ya petunjuknya. Tapi ada yg kurang, ketika mau reboot sebaiknya flashdisk dicopot dulu (sebelum dicopy file2nya), setelah router nyala, colokin flashdisk, baru dicopy, dan reboot lagi.

  5. mr3020 ane ga bisa login..di reset juga tetep.. kasih solusi gan

  6. @oguds: thx for koreksinya.

    @mcell: msk sini gan

  7. good sir nice tuterial ..
    sir i have sueecess but.. one prb i have put one usb hub 4 port
    and i have add one usb flash and one usb 3g modem.. but not working same time both
    only on time woring usb flash storge... plz give me some idea work together

  8. bro, stlh ane setting fs tab,, ane matiin ruter, pas konek ke putty lgi malah mncul pesan " Network Error: connection refused",, please solusinya gan

  9. thanks buat artikel nya gan, cm pengen tau aja,.. bisa ga ya di terapkan di MR841N, di situsnya openwrt dijelaskan tplink jenis ini ada usb nya, tapi tidak secara physically ada..jd modif dikit,,,, mgk ada yg sdh pernah coba? bisa share donk....

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